Tell Your Legislator - STOP SB 1165!

Senate Bill 1165 was passed out of the Arizona Senate. While we were incredibly disappointed this invasive, harmful bill was fast-tracked and passed, this is not the end.  We can stop this bill in the House, but your House Members need to hear from you!
If passed, the bill would ban transgender athletes from participating on K-12 and college sports teams corresponding to their gender identity.

SB 1165 is an invasive, impractical solution to a problem that does not exist. On top of being impossible to enforce, a transgender youth may not be out to their peers, teachers, or potential coach as transgender. In that case, Arizona schools would be put in the position of outing the child - to the coach, athletic association, teammates, and their parents - which the school is not legally or ethically authorized to do under medical privacy laws, professionalism standards, and other regulations.

Together with our community partners and supporters, we can stop this bill in its tracks, but not without your voice. Tell your State Representative to STOP SB 1165!


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