Human Rights Campaign

Lobbying 102: Take our short quiz now!

Why is it important to generate press? Select all that apply.

  • Popularity is important
  • Officials are sensitive to media coverage, especially outlets that are popular in their district
  • In order to embarrass candidates you don’t support
  • It is a great way to hold elected officials accountable

Answer the question on the left to reveal the correct choice here.

Which of the following are examples of ways to generate press? Select all that apply.

  • Writing letters to the editor or op-eds
  • Hosting a podcast
  • Blogging
  • Organizing a townhall or other local event

Answer the question on the left to reveal the correct choice here.

True or False: When organizing online, advocates should consider who they will be able to reach through which platform.

  • True
  • False

Answer the question on the left to reveal the correct choice here.

Harper is a local organizer planning a rally and wants to increase public attendance by using social media. Which platform would be best for them to use?

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat

Answer the question on the left to reveal the correct choice here.

True or False: Instagram is the most effective social media platform for engaging with reporters in real time.

  • True
  • False